Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta #vintage. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta #vintage. Mostrar todas las entradas

Santiago Luna
Laboratorio de diseño


Page d'aide sur l'homonymie Pour les articles homonymes, voir Briquet (homonymie).

Un briquet est une petite pièce d’acier dont on se servait pour créer par percussion avec un silex une étincelle, et par extension moderne un dispositif pyrotechnique autonome, destiné à produire une flamme ou une étincelle suffisamment puissante pour déclencher l'embrasement d'un combustible. Le carburant utilisé est stocké au sein d'un réservoir, et le comburant est le dioxygène présent dans l'air. Le briquet est souvent destiné à être transportable facilement et dans ce cas sa taille lui permet généralement d'être tenu dans une main.


Santiago Luna
Laboratorio de diseño

poster is any piece of printed paper designed to be attached to a wall or vertical surface.[1] Typically posters include both textual and graphic elements, although a poster may be either wholly graphical or wholly text. Posters are designed to be both eye-catching and informative. Posters may be used for many purposes. They are a frequent tool of advertisers (particularly of events, musicians and films), propagandistsprotestors and other groups trying to communicate a message. Posters are also used for reproductions of artwork, particularly famous works, and are generally low-cost compared to original artwork. The modern poster, as we know it, however, dates back to the 1840s and 1850s when the printing industry perfected colour lithography and made mass productionpossible." [2]


According to the French historian Max Gallo, "for over two hundred years, posters have been displayed in public places all over the world. Visually striking, they have been designed to attract the attention of passers-by, making us aware of a political viewpoint, enticing us to attend specific events, or encouraging us to purchase a particular product or service."[3] The modern poster, as we know it, however, dates back to the mid-nineteenth century, when several separate but related changes took place. First, the printing industry perfected colour lithography and made mass production of large and inexpensive images possible. Second, government censorship of public spaces in countries like France was lifted. And finally, advertisers began to market mass-produced consumer goods to a growing populace in urban areas.[4]
"In little more than a hundred years", writes poster expert John Barnicoat, "it has come to be recognized as a vital art form, attracting artists at every level, from painters like Toulouse-Lautrec and Mucha to theatrical and commercial designers."[5] They have ranged in styles from Art NouveauSymbolismCubism, and Art Deco to the more formal Bauhaus and the often incoherent hippie posters of the 1960s.

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Laboratorio de diseño: Fotografia
Pereira-Risaralda- Colombia 
DI.Santiago Luna